Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Farmer's Market is open!

sugar snaps

little tiny strawberries

I'm excited that it's finally Farmer's Market season! Pictured are the sugar snap peas and the strawberries I picked up from the Tuesday evening market. I feel lucky to live in a city that has not one, but four farmer's markets during the summer. That means four times a week that I can go to an outdoor stand and get fruit and veggies picked fresh that day.

The snap peas above were cooked with shrimp in a ginger-soy stirfry over somen noodles. It was okay, but nothing too exciting. The peas were definitely the stars. I prepared the rest of the snaps with a lemon-chive dressing. It is marinating in the fridge as we speak, we'll see how it turns out!

For some reason I have a hard time eating strawberries whole - if I leave them that way they tend to go bad. So I quartered the strawberries and tossed them with blueberries. Yum. That's my favorite summer fruit salad.

1 comment:

val said...

yay, you are back.