Saturday, October 24, 2009

A week in food

What I made last week:

Turkey Barley Soup

Ground turkey, barley, carrots, red potatoes, green bell pepper, onion, chicken broth, and whatever seasonings you want. This one has pesto and parmesan in it, but the last time I made it it had tarragon. It's good both ways. Brown the meat, drain the juice, add the onion and soften, add broth and other veggies, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for an hour. Season to taste.

Autumn Ice Cream Sandwiches

I made these for pizza and beer night with some friends. It's my first attempt at ice cream sandwiches. A week or so ago I got some pumpkin ice cream at the grocery store, but a whole carton of pumpkin ice cream is a bit much for one person. I was starting to get sick of it. So I devised these autumnal ice cream sandwiches - take homemade ginger snaps, fill with a couple spoonfulls of pumpkin ice cream, and roll edges in mini chocolate chips. Put back in freezer for a bit to harden. These were pretty good. I'm thinking I'll try some other variations soon. I have some raspberry ice cream that I was thinking of mixing with vanilla wafers and dark chocolate.

Plain ol' gingersnaps

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