Monday, April 11, 2011

Project: Chalkboard Plant Tags

Here's an easy project to get you in the mood for gardening this spring:  chalkboard plant tags!

Work in a well-ventilated area
You will need:
Popsicle sticks (collected or purchased from a craft supply store)
Chalkboard spray paint
A surface on which you can spray paint (newspaper, butcher paper, etc)
A well-ventilated area in which to work


Lay all the popsicle sticks out on the paper.  Spray with a light coat of paint.  Let it dry, then coat with another light coat of paint.  2-3 coats should cover.

After the first side is completely dry, turn the sticks over and repeat.

I wrote on my sticks with a white charcoal pencil.  It has poured rain for several consecutive days since I stuck these in the ground, and they are still easy to read!

1 comment:

val said...

I'm still reading. Hope all is well. I'm kind of inspired by your chickens. Keep in touch!